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Anthony Kiedis

The not so young rocker goes on.

anthony kiedis

In the late 80s and early 90s the appeal of the red hot chilli peppers was both global and undeniable, these young rockers seemed to take to the stage as naturally as Messi to the football pitch. Its front-man was an eccentric ball of energy called Anthony Kiedis, always topless, to show of his abs, always moving frantically - it seemed improbable that this guy could be that wild naturally. He wasn't.
Of course he wasn't, his battle with drug addition would seem to be, if you read his biography, to have been a life long one. This week he was rushed to hospital for an "unexplained stomach condition". It would be cynical to suggest that this is not totally true but it seems unlikely that a man with this much association with drugs would have to cancel a show and go to hospital and it have nothing to do with his life long drug habit.
His first use of drugs goes back to 11 years of age and his first taste of marijuana, left to him courtesy of his father (a semi-famous actor at the time). By his own admission he was an unsettled child who struggled to make friends finding solace in music as his outlay for expression.
The chilli peppers' history has been gone over many times, lots of records sales, lots of excess, and they could be said to be a surprisingly good place given that its singer has devoted most of his life to life threatening excess, their first album came out in 1984, 32 years ago now! And they are still going.
This year they released the latest record (The Getaway) which is not selling like they used to or though the energy and sound is very familiar. Now Anthony, as a 53 year old, it cold be said has painted himself into a bit of a corner artistically. They have been monotonous in their public image and music for so long that they don't have anywhere else to go but churn out more of the same, even fatherhood seems to have changed nothing. As he and the band all grind their way through their 50s the act of being the "wild man" is starting to look a little old and inappropriate, their fan base has matured and do not consume the music in the same way anymore, and how much longer can he strut around without a shirt before it starts to become more and more remarked up-on how he looks a little bit flabby. It doesn't need to be that way for rock stars, Bowie matured very nicely to nothing short of an academic in his art, but with Anthony it could be said he made lots of songs but has only really got one tune.



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