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Belhus Woods Country Park - Miniature railway

A quaint little touch to a perfect little location

Belhus Woods is, by quite some distance, one of the nicest woodland areas in Essex, if not the south east of England. It's an area frequented by Fisherman and dog walkers, but it's well stocked to be ideal for families out for a Sunday afternoon picnic. We have featured it here before but this week we wanted to shine a light on the little railway system that they have incorporated for entertainment purposes of very young kids.
To look at its almost laughably small, there are model railways and then there are toys, this would actually be the latter, albeit a big toy. Run by some kindly and clearly enthusiastic chaps they will for a very modest 60p take you and maybe 7 or 8 others on a stretch of rail track going through the edge of the woods, it's not a long or overly challenging little ride, actually it's all over in less than 5 minutes but hey, it's only 60p and there is plenty else to see here.
Ultimately it's a great little piece of diversion for the very young children who will want to go on it multiple times we found, but what's more, it's heart-warming to see this little construction run with such enthusiasm and dedication by their owners. The train enthusiast (they have an actual real steam engine as well all in 1 10th size) is probably an endangered species even with Michael Portillo breathing new life into it. Anyway we recommend that you try it out next time its running, if for no other reason than to witness something that may totally disappear in the next 20 years. I.e. the train enthusiast.

Check out more of Belhus Woods Country Park

Postcode: RM15 4XJ
Parking £2.50

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