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Coldrum Long Barrow

A bit of a drive this place- maybe 35 mins by car, so not really quick but a good location to include if you are heading into Kent in the Seven Oaks direction. If you're in the market for taking the dog or the kids for a bit of a farm trek then this location is worth spending an hour at. You park up in what feels like an off road farmers drive way, but with any traces of a farm never actually falling into view. If you follow the signs laid out by the National Trust it takes you on a very pleasant country walk through rolling meadows and sometimes steep slopes, but never will you see any cars or habitation (of significance) to distract you from the peace and scenery of the countryside. You may have to share your walk with some flies but only on really hot days. After no more than 15 minutes you will reach the summit of "Coldrum Long Burrow". This it turns out is some form of mini Stonehenge, in-so-much that it is orientated around a good number of stone Saracens (though these are no bigger than a few feet long, and they are placed flat rather than standing up) a difference that you might find slightly anti-climactic, but don't underestimate the significance this place holds for the "regulars" who (according to the national trust) visit every year on the 1st May (by the "Hartly Morris Men") to sing-in and celebrate the coming of summer. It brings to mind the final scene of the "Wicker Man" to-be –honest but we're told its all good natured and fun and lends the sight and country walk a sense of drama.

Postcode: ME19 5EG
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