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Grays riverside

Beauty and history on your door step.

Each week we try to cast an eye on something of beauty in or around Grays, lately we seem to focus one week on something close and local, and then on something a bit of a drive away (for purposes of variety).
This week we wanted to highlight just how blessed Grays is to have such an alluring riverside. If you're one of the many joggers, dog walkers or drunks (who leave their beer cans lying around by the many benches) and that like to stick to this location then you will doubtless be fully aware of how stunning it is at almost any time of the day. If you are a little more devoted to your sofa (and we have our fair share of sofa devotees in Thurrock) then we recommend getting out and appreciating what an amazing view this is right under your nose.
Just think how much nicer it would be if people took their beer cans with them when they left.

The composer George Frederic Handel certainly got inspired by this view as it was this river that inspired his famous "Handle's Water Music" and was the waterway that Pocahontas used on her voyage from the "New World" when she first came to London and returned (or though the poor dear died in Gravesend on her way home). So the river is not just very beautiful but also littered with historic events (as well as beer cans) not least the statue of Henry De Gray, the town's namesake at its western end.

Postcode: RM17 6QP

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