A little wood in an unexpected place.
In traveling back and forth from Blackshots gym you will have passed an innocuous piece of green next to the Blackshots roundabout. This area is mostly obscure because of the diversion of the vast Park area on the other side of the road. But by the Kwikfit garage there is a small walk way heading up. Most people don't notice it and most people would certainly never think to wonder up it unless you were a resident and even then as a way of getting from A to B, but it's actually the entrance to a small but most enchanting piece of green space in Thurrock.
It is at the end of the day a pathway shouldered by trees but it's worth checking out because it's an area of quite beautiful tranquillity given what you are expecting to find. You will start walking on what looks like a bog standard pathway but almost immediately you will be flanked by trees on either side of you in a way that grows think and more wild the further you walk on.
Perhaps what's so exceptional about this space is not that it's in-effect a little forest, for there are plenty of those around if you are willing to drive a bit. It's not a dramatic space like Langdon Hills and it's not even in anyway large or wondering, no it's the fact that this area is so beautiful and yet it's not only totally unknown but totally unsuspected to all but its residents. As you walk through its takes a while to comprehend that just 60 or 70 yards away is the noise and concrete of what you more commonly associate Thurrock for having in abundance, but no matter, because for those few minutes you feel like you are in the Hobbit, sort of.
It goes to show that even in a space as crowded and over developed as Thurrock we can still maintain moments of tranquillity and beauty.
Check also King George's Field
Postcode: RM16 2GB or RM16 2JU (park next to the blackshots impulse leisure and cross A1013)
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Hangman's Wood
Source: Source: ingrays.com