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Museum of London

London's history perfectly encapsulated in this manageable space.

London is one of the great world capitals. China, India, Russia and Brazil are of course the growing economies, but their people all want to live in London. So on this basis it's worth knowing the history of the city that even the world's billionaires all flock to.

The Museum of London, based on London Wall is a great museum that is largely understated and off the radar to many visitors; who all of course are more familiar with the south Kensington and Holborn based museums. These (Natural history, Albert and Victoria and The British Museum) are all great and world famous but it must be said they are a little on the large and unmanageable side.

It can take a bit of finding in terms of getting in and you are advised to take public transport (St Pauls tube station is closest) as parking is non-existent but once you are in its an illuminating and joyful walk round. As you enter it starts where London starts displaying the very establishing of this town as a small Roman settlement on the south bank of the Thames, from here they demonstrate its growth, evolvement and covers the major issues like the English Civil War, the plague, the great fire, London during the second world war and takes you right up to modern London. It's all done thoughtfully with video displays, and nicely laid out with seating areas, cafes, and child play areas so it's a wonderfully untaxing visit. What it could allude to more is perhaps the darker side of London, the anti-Semitism that was rife in the 19th century, Jack the Ripper, but we understand why these things are not highlighted as they want to effectively promote the city. It's not too big and not to small but never unengaging. This is your city and yet you will find out numerous things that you never even suspected by dropping by.

Postcode: EC2Y 5HN (we recommend the train)

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