Google any of the many boat trip operators giving river tours on the Thames and you can expect to pay between £20 and £50 roughly, depending on your needs, this is typical of the UK these days where everything you may desire seems to cost the best part of a £100, try taking a family of four to the cinema these days and you can expect to be relieved of well over £30, are we alone in thinking the world has gone slightly mad when this is what commercial enterprises regard as reasonable value?
I digress, the Thames is of course a wonderfully historic place and is a must to be experienced by all particularly for Grays resident who see it flow past every day. But you need pay up the excessive cost of taking a posh tour, simply get yourself to Woolwich (about 25 mins drive away from Grays) park up at ideally at the Waterfront Leisure Centre car park and jump on the water taxi (the Clipper as its known) for your hour long boat ride in to the city. Its still not that cheap and you can expect to pay about £8 to the city one way (you can use your Oyster card). What you get is a spectacular views of London as you quietly cruise along with the highlight being of course going under Tower Bridge. If there is anything slightly depressing about this experience is that the river side always looks so elegantly wealthy and affluent, and any tourists must surely be left thinking that London is some sort of modern city paradise, but go behind the facades and you quickly see that much of London is as impoverished as say Hull or Grimsby, still, a boat is the best way to experience any city and the Clipper allows you to do this in a way that is relatively affordable.
Postcode: SE18 6DL (car park £1 per hour), walk 5 mins by the river to Woolwich Arsenal Pier
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