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Jeremy Clarkson in the news again

Another day and another headline for Clarkson – but hands up who cares?

jeremy clarkson
If you are not a fan or simply don't care about the TV program we are all regularly assured is a worldwide hit (Top Gear) it must surly be disconcerting to see so much Column inches devoted to a man who, well talks about cars and likes to make un –politically correct remarks in-between. This week we wounded what it is (this we concede now we don't actually know) that makes this middle aged, middle England man so worthy of writing news on.
This week he is of course back in the news as the BBC and Sky reported as having a "fracas" with a BBC producer, consider this for a second and then reflect on why this would be news?
Today stories are inevitably leaking out about the detail of this "fracas" but on closer examination there is no detail, its things like "the star is reported to have phoned the Danny Cohen" the head of the BBC, and that the incident was "regretted" but no actual details exist. Put another way there is no story here.
While the media also asserts and reasserts the global popularity of Top Gear and how it generates over 50 million pounds a year in revenue; we rather consider Clarkson to be the BBC personality version of Cricket, something that exists in our media on a regular basis, gets lots of coverage, but who most people don't understand the appeal could not care the slightest about.
In short stories on him is lazy journalism.


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