One thing local business in Thurrock is not very good at is taking advantage of the various government grant schemes available that can help your business. One area that the south east is being singled out for in a bad way is its high carbon levels; in short we are one of the most polluted parts of the country. But in response to this a council/EU funded grant opportunity has arisen to both do something about this and to help your organisation gain some form of business advantage.
A new scheme has been launched called LoCASE (Low Carbon Across the South East) – basically it’s a Local Authority/EU funded grants programme that allows small and medium sized business to get money from the government to up-grade their equipment or any energy using mechanisms within the business, to become more energy efficient. You can also get business support advice in terms of experts advising on practices that you need to change to stop wasting money.
Why is it a good deal?
All businesses should look into this scheme because it will
Help you cover costs on things you may have to change anyway (boilers don’t last for ever do they)!
Once you convert to more energy efficient hardware your energy bills will come down (leaving you cash to reinvest into your business)
Energy prices are low but will spike up again soon – when it does it will hit your profits
A cleaner environment is good for everyone isn’t it?
Weather you choose to go for it or not the fact is there are other grants and support schemes out there and we in Grays are not good at zoning in on this. Why not focus on this support stream more and get the benefits.